After "Esmeralda" - the most
beautiful masculine body of Mexico and his words about some project in

women have said things to me that have left me with the opened mouth",
laughs Fernando Colunga, irresistible Jose Armando from "Esmeralda" and,
according to many, the most beautiful masculine body of Mexico.
How he makes to stay in spectacular form?
Fernando, who practice sport from the 8 years, makes aerobics gymnastics and
exercises two hours daily, besides to follow a nutritional very healthy
and balanced regime.
"One is not to make
diet, but to learn nutrition. I want to make a book of exercises that
includes the feeding. And I will focus the women", says
jadeite, weights in hand.
Why he wants to exactly direct it to the women?
"Because when I go to
the beach I see to the girls and some are really beautiful, but to
the 15 and 16 years already most of them have problems of overweight and
cellulites. I want that they learn to nourish theirself correctly and to
take care of their physicist. For me, the body is more than my instrument
like actor; it is a temple. And it is necessary to respect it".
Judging at first, one sees that Colunga feels an enormous respect by his
stunning... temple.
But this actor adores time that happens in gymnasium not only through
results visible, but because
"the exercise taught to me that I can propose something to
me to fail only a day, to give the 100 percent and to fulfill it to
quality. The physical and mental discipline helps me not only in my
race, but also in the personnel, like man. In addition , I laugh with
"picardia", like much
to sweat!" And in serious he already says:
"In the gymnasium relief the stress of one
releases work day. To record a soap opera implies to dedicate most to him
of your life; often not even I have time to make other things, as to
practice some sport religiously". And while it is exercised in the machine of
resistance weights, it adds:
"Here it is where I stay in form".
At the moment Fernando, who recently finished recording "Esmeralda",
performs to play in the comedy named "Pecado... no original", next to
Chantal Andere and Nora Salinas, and glides to inaugurate an own, open
gymnasium to the public, somewhere of the Federal District. In addition,
he supervises his business of sales of pieces of cars and, in his free
short whiles, he walks in motorcycle of jump in company of his father.
In the professional
plane, the Esmeralda's success has consolidated him
like gallant, although Fernando insists on which
"I do not consider gallant;
I believe that I am turning to me actor, but really. The paper of affluent
gallant done entails a performance. The personage also has his
psychological motivations; it is necessary to study it and to know how to
work it. If one only specializes in gallants can play that role, whereas
the actor 'of truth' can make all type of papers, even the one of gallant". Fernando at the moment studies
two interesting supplies to do his next stellar one of soap opera.
"They have proposed
to me to make Lola the Trailera, on Rose Gloria Chagoyan",
"And... another project that
I prefer to reserve itself until more the things are defined".
With regard to his loving life, Fernando assures that, at the moment,
there is no a special woman in his life. But if as a modern Dr
Frankenstein could create to his ideal pair, how he would be? He does not
think much to it.
"A woman who combines
the stature of Nicole Kidman, the precious face of Sharon Stone and the
beautiful body of Demi Moore", smiles.
"As you see, I do not request nothing".
The actor-gallant of the moment returns to his weights. Fernando Colunga
takes care of his temple... and is a religious experience.

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