Did you know these small things about Fernando? Maybe yes,
maybe no. But read them and discover what you don't know. If you have to
tell me any more thing please send me an
e-mail message.
earns 60.000$ on a month. He is one of the richest actors in Mexico.
day he receives hundreds of letters in which
he gets marriage proposals and gifts from women all over the world, but
he is single for already seven years.
Spanic told that Fernando's kisses excite her. All Fernando's partners
told that he is one of the best actors and he is really good friend.
He don't
like to answer questions about his private life.
day Fernando spends two hours in gym and plays squash or tennis. He says
to be in fit is important for his job.
Mexico he published a video tape “How to stay fit” about the culture of
keeping your body fit, and it was a hit, just like Jane Fonda's and
Cindy Crawford's videos in America.
With his
friend Francisco opened a motor bike store in
Mexico City, which works very successful even today.
By one
tabloid, he had relationship with mexican actress Sabine Mousier (Entre
el amor y el odio, El derecho de nacer) (I don't know is this true or
magazine "People en espanñol" he is the
sexiest man in 2000. On the 2nd place, after him is Ricky Martin. So,
Fernando is more attractive that Ricky Martin :)
With famous singer Paulina Rubio acted in movie
"Besame en la boca" (Kiss me in mouth).
He likes
women like Demi Moore and Sharon Stone.
Thanks to Peren
for following informations!
the Cristina show after Abrazame muy fuerte when they were reading fan e- mail questions someone
had asked Fer
if he had talked to Thalia
since her wedding, Fer responded “No” but what’s more interesting was
Cristina’s comment
“We won't go into that
subject but I will just say that if her mother knew how far you have come, you
guys would
have ten kids by now!”.
Fer’s partner in Abrazame muy fuerte
Aracely Arambula was falling from the waterfall if Fer couldn’t hold
her. Aracely said that Fer is her guardian angel and saved her life.
Again in the Cristina show after Abrazame
muy fuerte they asked "What is the most delicious part of your body?"
and his answer was “Mouth”!
Fer dives somewhere outside Cancun at the
weekends whenever he has time for a long time. He commented that it is a
great place for diving espeacially at nighttime and added “It’s like
another world in front of your eyes”!
Fer has totally cut all grains,all salt,
bread, tortillas, even limited red meat to a minimum. His diet is
strictly proteins (chicken, fish, seafood, greens, cucumber and some
tomato, etc.)
In the Cristina show after Esmeralda there
was a girl in the audience who would not stop crying and screaming and
waving her hands, so Cristina told her not to cry right on national tv
and later at the end of the actual show Fer gave her a kiss on the
cheek. After the official taping of the show was over, Fer addressed the
audience and specifically called her up on stage again. She almost
fainted. He then hugged her. She had no idea what to do so Fer told her
not to do anything, then he gave a speech about the audience shows of
support being the bread and butter of the artist and then he gave her
the bowl full of fresh roses that was decorating the coffee table
between the chairs as a show of appreciation from a 'caballero para una
Fer separated with his fiancee because of his
works. He studied from the morning till the evening and his girlfriend
was tired very soon with that life.
In the recordings of Abrazame muy fuerte once
the nephew of Aracely Arambula came to the set. She, her nephew and Fer
hung around and enjoyed much. Aracely commented that Fer will be a great
There were rumors that Fer had been together
with Ana Patricia Rojo,
Edith Gonzales, Gabriela Spanic, Adriana Fonseca even with Nora Salinas who is
a great friend of Fer.
In the Cristina show after Nunca te
Olvidare they joked about Fer playing jokes on Edith and her getting
back to him by biting his lips on another kissing scene.
It is well known, that Fernando is a
cinemagoer. He can watch films of all genres from the morning till the
evening. He likes collecting, and collects everything, that he sees, - sunglasses,
hats... And about one collection - of cars, he only dreams.
Acting in numerous telenovelas Fer didn't
refuse an opportunity to join singing; he has plans to record a disk,
but he cannot decide yet what gender to choose - a ballad or rancheras,
though he prefers the last.