22nd January 2004
1 new article
added. In "Articles" page.
Fernando Colunga's Photos
Site is officially opened. I added 6 galleries. In five of them, there
are SUPER NEW PHOTOS. Check them now!! Click
Soon I will add more photos.
21st November
The new look of our site is officially
More informations about Fernando in "About
Fer" page.
More informations about telenovelas and
movies of Fernando in "Telenovelas & Movies"
"Did you know..."
page is updated.
Two new articles in "Articles"
New videos, wallpapers, screen savers and
songs added in "Multimedia" page.
page is totally changed with more informations and page about Adela
Noriega is added.
More links added.
Forum, chat and e-cards services in this
site are totally changed with better options, don't wait a minute and
explore them now.
Soon, I will update "Photos" section in
this site.
Archived updates!
11th March 2003
Gallery of "Besame en la boca"
In "Fanbook" page, now you have opportunity to
tell reasons why do you love Fer.
2nd March 2003
I know that the birthday of Fer is tomorow but I prepared 'celebration'
today :) You can wish 'Happy Birthday' to Fer by clicking
Some pages have new look, soon I'll change the look of all pages.
More news added in "News" page
New article about Fernando in "Articles" page
21th February
9 galleries of telenovela "La Usurpadora"added. In "Photos" page.
23th January
New galleries of Fernando in "Photos" page
Gallery 18 - Photos of Fernando
Gallery 19 - Photos of Fernando in "El Gordo y la Flaca" and "La Oreja"
Amor Real Gallery 2 -
Fernando's acting as Manuel
19th January
New interview of Fernando in "Articles"
Uploaded photos in
Amor Real
18th January
Menu in the
main page has new look.
Summary of the movie "Besame en la boca"
Two new articles about new telenovela of Fer in "Articles"
5th January 2003
Gallery 17 with photos of Fer in "La Oreja"
Downloads Area is almost finished. You can find:
Videos about Fernando
Abrazame Muy Fuerte videos
Nunca Te Olvidare videos
Mas Alla de la Usurpadora videos
La Usurpadora videos
Esmeralda videos
Soon: Maria la del barrio videos and new Fernando's gallery.