Amor Real initiates recordings

CITY, Mexico, jan. 8, 2003 - Cast of the soap opera Amor Real
initiated the year starting off the traditional "Spiral of Reyes' and
making their first recordings in the forum, with a mass requested that the
success is reached.
actress Adela Noriega comments:
"I am very happy,
full of illusions, flood of emotion to be the first
day in the forum, always you have an emotion like very special."
Chantal Andere:
"We already had many
desire to come to forums, we were in Pachuca
almost a month; contentments to begin the year working."
Fernando Colunga:
"I hope that the
public will like it, it is very well done, well
written, well thought." (Yes, of course we'll like it Fer)
Mauricio Islas:
"Soon your scenes are
not to the even one with other personages, I
believe that also he is that to begin like new, with good convivio,
good energy."
Television forum 8 of San Angel will be the one in charge to give life to
this history of time, the good memories were not made hope like Carla
Estrada that years ago same Amor en Silencio (Love in silence) recorded
Carla Estrada,
"Either it rained, or
my son is 14 years old and here I was pregnant
woman, years ago and see well-known faces that she had much of not
seeing, is pleasant to me to be with them."
Don't miss to watch Amor Real in March...


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