Colunga & Adela will live a Real

With a touching Catholic Mass and the traditional Mexican Spiral of Kings
took the recordings in the forum of Televisa of Amor Real , the new
version of Bodas de Odio , produced by Carla Estrada and carried out by
Adela Noriega, Fernando Colunga and Mauricio Islas.
In 8:30
in the morning of the 6 of January Day of Kings Seth of recordings to the
south of the City of Mexico, where little by little the famous faces are
let see behind shelters and scarfs. Summoned by the producer Carla
Estrada, the protagonists of Amor Real meet to initiate their work in the
soap opera after receiving the blessing of a priest and to prove the
traditional Spiral of Kings. Adela Noriega, Mauricio Islas, Fernando
Colunga, Chantal Andere, Harry Geithner, Ernesto Laguardia, Carlos Camera,
Jorge Vargas and Ricardo Blume among others shared the breakfast and the
blessing with the hope of which this new project finds in the viewers the
necessary support. Adela Noriega said to be very excited:
"I finish renewing my
contract with Televisa and to begin with this history is a great pride for
Contradicting to
his detractors, Fernando Colunga behaved amiable with the press and said
to have in this personage a new challenge.
"I worked in Alondra, another soap opera of time
with Carla Estrada and the experience was wonderful, I am sure that this
time will be very similar".
Bodas de
Odio is recorded in 1983 with Christian Bach, Frank Moro and Miguel Palmer
in the main roles.

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