Fernando: I always take care when I
choose my works

Mexican gallant assures that, in the soap operas, many aspects of the
daily life are reflected and that he badly does not want to be an example
to follow. After being a year and average section of the world of the
television, the remembered protagonist of La Usurpadora returns to the
soap operas with Amor Real, a novel of time based on a classic one of two
decades 'Bodas de Odio', and made under the production of Carla Estrada.
With the cordiality that characterizes to him, the attractive Mexican
gallant has made a hollow in his tight agency and he has spoken to us of
this soap opera and the balance that does of his professional life.
- Fernando,
present us your personage...
It's called Manuel
and is a very rich paper. Next to Maria Saratini, that is the person who
is helping me to form to him, I am being able to make a great
interpretation. Manuel is a man with very many shades, who commits errors
by his impulsividad and that has undergone much in his childhood.
Nevertheless, overnight, his life will change of course.
- What you felt
when Carla proposed you to participate in the novel?
I did not
participate in a soap opera since I recorded Abrazame muy Fuerte, that it
was a great success in Mexico, and I was waiting for a project that filled
to me. When Carla spoke to me about Amor Real, she excited the idea to me
and I took off that I had to think what was going to me to offer now to
the public. I wished to give back to people, with my effort and
overcoming, all the affection that it had given me.
- You continue
making theater?
No, only I am going
away to center in this production. I will continue with the work "Trampa
de Muerte" when the recordings finish.
- What
makes you feel the theater?
The results of a
theater performance are immediate, because you receive the emotions of the
public and generate its emotions at the moment. The television,
nevertheless, much more is slowed down.
- We
didn't have the pleasure to see you on the screens, why?
Until the moment, the
scripts that have offered to me for cinema are very poor and they were not
worth the trouble. Nevertheless, I die of desire to take part in the great
screen. I do not discard to make films, I wait for a project that reunites
qualities and am only good.
- Do
you have thought to come to Spain to promote Amor Real?
The day that is spoken of promotion, one from the countries to which I
want to give priority is to Spain, because it is a country that has
supported to me very in my professional race. I have received a great
attention of the public and want to take care of them as well as they
given to me.
- You
made 15 soap operas for Televisa and all were great success. Do you think
that you made more than other artists?
No, I have worked with great artists and in very important soap operas
like many of those artists, but, by chance, it was called on to me to live
an international projection very hard, at a time at Televisa which it
happened to sell, of twenty, to one hundred countries. For that reason,
much people say that I have an image at international level. I believe
that she does not depend as much on me, but of the circumstances that have
occurred at every moment.
- The
time made you an actor who pleases all the public...
Yes, that is something reason why always I have fought, because I come
from a united family and I like that the rest enjoys the same union. I
have always worked for all the public and thus I maintain my race.
- You
are a person who worry much about your public...
In this race you travel in the edge of a knife and, if you do not have
respect to the public, or you do not give back the affection to what they
offer to you, your race begins to weaken.
- Do
you think that the personages of the soap operas reflect the real life
Many of the
situations that occur can be similar the real life. Nevertheless, with it
I do not mean that all the soap opera is going to be the life of somebody,
but at certain moments people see themselves very reflected in which
happens in novels.
Resides in this the success?
Yes, there is people who use the soap operas to amuse themselves but, for
others, are an example to go forward. For that reason, I always take care
when I choose my work. I don't want to give bad example, I always try to
give good example.

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