Seven minutes with Fernando Colunga

article from
By Jennifer Garcia Catron. May 20, 2003.

worry you tell me and I pay", says to the actor of soap operas Fernando
Colunga in English with accent. It is the end of his telephone
conversation, he is in New York and sure he'll confirm the shopping of
products for theatre, he walks and is difficult to follow his steps, when
he closes the telephone, turns around, he smiles and says: "Hello", the
magical word that allows us to occupies seven minutes of his time.
Colunga is one of the actors of soap operas more hermetic and difficult to
interview. Recently Fernando visited New York to present, in an event of
Univision, his new telenovela: "Real Love" (Amor Real).
The actor did not want to give interview, at any time he was accompanied
by the assistant and he did not contact the other invited actors. He only
stopped to greet Adela Noriega, his partener in telenovela, and he was
letting photograph next to Joanna Benedek.
Now the actor is completely shipped in the shootings of "Real Love" - a
telenovela which recreates a story of love which occurs in the XIX
century, and now it is only subject or conversation.
What do you like
more in 19th century?
I like everything, because it is magic. It is like I live in time
when physically I could not live. It is a game, but on the other hand it
is a tremendous experience to speak about which is difficult.
During the
shootings of telenovela probably there were funny stories, tell us any.
Everything was funny. The best experience than you can have is to move
from where you are, I lowered of an automobile and right now I am in 1870
and I am above of a horse and everything finished what I know.
But, one funny
story in concrete?
Funny histories we have all
because we are living in a fantasy, day to day, will happen something that
you don't know, don't delays. Comes back something magic, we are in
situation to wait.
Amor Real is recorded in natural exteriors, three hours away from
Mexico D.F. (a place where Fernando lives), reason why the actor probably
does not have time for anything else. And the love? Here is a question
not about telenovela.
And how is your
sentimental life?
It goes…
Yes. It goes, goes, goes…
The actor changes in his face so we shall come back to telenovela.
How is to work
with Adela Noriega?
She is a good person, and when somebody is good other is not important.
And the other
Wonderful. I think we found people, who have the same aim, who equally
seriously care about their career. I talked recently to Adela, and she
agreed, that nine months of the shootings had flown by as one day.
Well, seven minutes expired.

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