Leticia Calderón, the
talented green-eyed mexican actress began her carrier when
she was only 15. Showing her talent in the telenovela
"Esmeralda" she got her fame all around the world. In
"Esmeralda" she tried to win the real love, but in the
real life she is divorced and still searching for the real
love. Her latest telenovela is "Amor Real" again
with Fernando Colunga. Others very successful
telenovelas of Leticia are: "Laberintos de Passion",
"Valeria y Maximiliano", "El diario de Daniela"
and many others.
Name: Leticia
Date of Birth: July 15, 1968
City: Puerto de Guaymas, Sonora
Country: Mexico
Marital status: divorced
Ex-spouse: Marcos Leon Lopez, lawyer
Pets: shepherd Selmer and rottweiler Jack
Favorite music: jazz, blues
Favorite actor: Marcello Mastroninani
Occupation: actress
Real" (2002/2003) .... Micaela
"Cuento de
Navidad" (1999) (mini)
"El Diario de Daniela" (1999) .... Lenore Monroy
"Laberintos de pasión" (1999) .... Julieta Valderrama
(1997) .... Esmeralda
"La Antorcha encendida" (1996) .... Teresa de Muñiz
"Prisionera de amor" (1994)
"Entre la vida y la muerte" (1993) .... Susana Trejos
"Valeria y Maximiliano" (1991) .... Valeria Landero
"Yo compro esa mujer" (1990) .... Ana Cristina
"La Casa al final de
la calle" (1989) .... Teresa
Altamirano Najera
"El Ángel caÍdo" (1989)
"La Indomable" (1987) .... María Fernanda
"Tal como somos" (1987)
"Monte Calvario" (1986) .... Tere
(1984) .... Vicky
"Amalia Batista" (1983) .... Leticia
(this biography is from http://mextelenovelas.tripod.com/)
Leticia Calderon was born in
Mexico, on July 15, 1968. Since childhood her dream was to become an actress.
Today she is one of the most popular actresses in Mexico and other countries.
Her role in the telenovela "Esmeralda" boosted her popularity. When she is not
working she likes to sleep, cook and meet with friends. Her last telenovela -
"Laberintos de Pasiones". Leticia was married and now divorced to Marcos
Leon Lopez. They married when the shooting of "Esmeralda first began, and
then Marco began disturbing her at work. Today Leticia is working on her film.
She is trying to forget the problems in her life and her difficult divorce.
More about
Leticia you can find