Welcome to 'Music' page on this site!

This page contains songs from another websites (only the
song of "Maria la del Barrio" is mine), so you
CANNOT use them for your websites, groups or elsewhere without
permission of their owners. You can use them for yourself. A lot of
thanks to owners who allowed me to use the songs for this website.
Peren [http://group.yahoo.com/group/fan_of_fer]
Antonis [http://latinsoapsfever.cjb.net]
Leonid [http://serials.ru]
To save the songs on your computer simply
click with right button on your mouse "Save Target As". Only if you
do this, the songs will be saved.
play the songs you need
Real Player or
WinAmp. This site recommends Real
One Player and Winamp 2.80
Problem that can appear:
Because my server has limitted bandwith sometimes it is not possible to
download the songs. Just wait one or two hours and come back here to
download the songs again. If again you can't download the songs please
e-mail me
and tell me what 'error' message you got. Thanks!!
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